When is The Best Time to Plant a Tree?

January 8th, 2023

Jeff Coburn


When is The Best Time to Plant a Tree?

In an article in Psychology Today, April 14, 2015, Richard H. Smith Ph.D., quotes a Chinese proverb: “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now” (Online at psychologytoday.com). Your lives and my life are filled with fruitful blessings received through the actions of people who have planted seeds in the past and in the present. We might see those blessings as food that we can eat, or harvested wood that can be used to provide warmth or protection. Those things are certainly blessings, but today the seeds that we look at are spiritual, planted into our lives and in the lives of others. Blessings received through the ministry of faith-filled people living out the God-filled Gospel. Today, I pray that we can all be reminded to share hope, as we are encouraged to pass on our salvation stories to others.

In Christ

Jeff Coburn

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