Joy to the World

I. Joy in God’s Faithfulness: He Fulfills His Promises

A. Mary rejoices in God’s covenant (Luke 1:54-55)
B. Joy in generations of hope (Isaiah 7:14; Gal. 4:4)
C. We can rejoice in God’s faithfulness (Psalm 16:11)

II. Joy in God’s salvation: He lifts the humble

A. Mary rejoices in her salvation (Luke 1:47)
B. Joy in God’s mercy and grace (Luke 1:50)
C. Joy in the humble being lifted up (Luke 1:52)
D. Our greatest joy is knowing Jesus as Savior (Isaiah 12:3)

III. Joy in God’s Kingdom: He rules the world with truth and grace (Luke 17:15-19)

A. Mary rejoices in God’s power (Luke 1:51)
B. Joy in God’s reign over all nations (Psalm 98:4-9)
C. Joy in the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom (Revelation 11:15)
D. Live with the joy of God’s Kingdom in our hearts (Matthew 5:12)

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