The Healing of the Royal Official’s Son
Pastor Patrick Mesisca   -  

After welcoming our local missionary Jane Chavez from the Pregnancy Help Center last Sunday, we return to our study of miracles this week. As we journey along with Jesus, our focus turns to the account of Jesus’ healing of the royal official’s son in John 4:45-54. Through this passage, we not only witness the physical restoration of the royal official’s son but also the response of the royal official and the impact this miracle has upon his entire household or oikos.

Personally, this passage has always inspired me as it reinforces the sovereignty of Christ over time and space, illustrating that distance poses no obstacle to His ability to work. As we delve deeper into this passage, may our hearts be open to receiving the timeless teachings and transformative power inherent in Jesus’ ministry. May we also be empowered to share with others all that the Lord has done for us.

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