Eternal Investment
Pastor Patrick Mesisca   -  

In Luke 12:13-21, Jesus warns us about the dangers of greed and misplaced priorities through the parable of the rich fool. The man in the story was consumed with storing up wealth for himself, believing that financial security would guarantee a life of ease. However, God called him a fool because he had prepared for everything except eternity. This passage reminds us that true life is not found in possessions but in being “rich toward God” by investing in His kingdom, living generously, and seeking eternal treasures.

As we reflect on this message, let’s evaluate our own priorities. Are we placing our hope in temporary things, or are we using our resources to honor God and serve others? Jesus calls us to live with an eternal perspective, storing up treasures in heaven through faith, generosity, and a heart surrendered to Him. May we seek first His kingdom and trust Him to provide all that we need.

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