Shine Bright: Living as a Beacon of Christ
I. Be Visible: Don’t Hide Your Light
A. A lamp is made to shine (Mark 4:21)
B. The world needs light (John 1:1-5)
C. Jesus & His followers
D. Live with fearless visibility (Philippians 2:14-16)
II. Be Purposeful: Let Your Light Illuminate
A. Let your light reveal truth (Luke 8:17-18)
B. The light of love attracts (Matthew 5:16)
C. The light of hope guides (Psalm 119:105)
III. Be Unstoppable: Shine Until the End
A. Stay fueled by the Spirit (Zechariah 4:6)
B. Persevere through opposition (John 16:33)
C. Impact generations (2 Timothy 1:5)