Pastor Patrick Mesisca   -  

As we begin a new series on the parables of Jesus, I want to encourage you to approach this season with open hearts and a deep hunger for God’s truth. Jesus’ parables were not merely stories but divine revelations, designed to uncover the mysteries of the kingdom of God for those willing to hear and receive. As Matthew 13:16 reminds us, “Blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear.” My prayer is that each of us would experience the blessing of a closer walk with Christ as we explore these powerful teachings together.

At the same time, the parables challenge us to examine our hearts. For some, the parables reveal a deep truth and have a powerful impact on our lives but for others, the meaning of the parables stay hidden. The condition of our hearts determines whether Jesus is our cornerstone or a stumbling block. As we study these stories in 2025, let us invite God to soften any areas of resistance within us, that we may fully embrace His grace and grow in our walk with Him. Together, let’s seek the abundant life He offers and encourage one another to live out His truth with faith and joy.

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