Heaven and Nature Sing
Pastor Patrick Mesisca   -  

Today we gather for our annual One Hope Christmas Music Celebration, a time when voices rise, instruments resound, and hearts unite to proclaim the joy of our Savior’s birth. Christmas is, and always has been, about Jesus—His coming to earth to bring light, salvation, and hope to all who would believe. In this season of celebration, we use music as one of the greatest tools to honor and glorify Him.

As you participate in this morning’s worship service, be reminded that music has always been a natural response to the goodness, faithfulness, and greatness of God. It unites our voices, uplifts our spirits, and helps us express the inexpressible. As we celebrate through song, let us remember that we are joining a long history of worshipers—Moses, David, the angels, and countless generations—who have declared, through music, the greatness of our God.

As heaven and nature sing together, so do we. Let every note, every melody, and every voice this morning proclaim that Jesus Christ is King! Let’s sing with all our hearts today. He is worthy of our praise!