From Blurred to Brilliant
Pastor Patrick Mesisca   -  

In Mark 8:22-29, we find a unique story where Jesus heals a blind man in two stages. At first, the man’s vision is blurry—he sees people, but they look like trees walking around. It is only after Jesus touches him again that his sight is fully restored.

This gradual healing seems strange coming from Jesus who is omnipotent God in human flesh. A closer look at this passage teaches us that God often works in stages in our lives. Like the blind man, we may experience moments of confusion or partial clarity as God patiently works in us.

This story reminds us that spiritual growth takes time. We may not see the full picture right away, but as we continue to walk in faith, God brings clarity and deeper understanding. Just as Jesus finished healing the blind man, He will also complete the work He has started in us as Philippians 1:6 so eloquently reminds us that “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

If you’re in a season where things seem unclear, be encouraged—God is not finished yet. Keep trusting Him through the process, knowing that He is guiding you from blurred to brilliant vision.

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