The Sanctity of Life

This Sunday, we have the honor of hosting Jane Chavez from Pregnancy Help Center, a local missionary organization that our church supports. Jane will share insights into the impactful work they are doing to support expecting mothers and promote the sanctity of human life within our community. Her presence offers us a unique opportunity to witness firsthand the positive influence our contributions have on this special mission.

As we gather to hear Jane speak, let us recall the recent message from a few weeks ago on the sanctity of human life. This serves as a strong reminder of the values we hold as a church community. It is also noteworthy that we have updated our church ByLaws to include an article of faith statement affirming that human life begins at conception and should be treasured, protected, and valued at all stage of development. This commitment is rooted in our belief that all human beings are created in the image of God, as stated in Genesis 1:27. Let us continue to stand united in our dedication to upholding the sanctity of life and supporting those who work tirelessly to defend it.

For more in-depth information, visit their website at Discover the impactful work they do and how your contributions can make a difference.