Water into Wine
Pastor Patrick Mesisca   -  

As we continue our journey in 2024, I pray we find inspiration and encouragement in the miraculous story of Jesus turning water into wine from the Gospel of John (John 2:1-11). In this narrative, we witness Jesus attending a wedding in Cana, where an unexpected shortage of wine threatens to dampen the celebration. However, what seemed like a predicament became an opportunity for Jesus to perform His first public miracle. Note how in a moment of scarcity, Jesus transforms ordinary water into the finest wine. Likewise, in our lives, where we may encounter shortages or challenges, let us trust that Christ can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. His abundance is infinite and therefore beyond our full understanding. The timing of this miracle is also noteworthy. Jesus did not rush, but waited for the opportune moment. As we begin a new year, let’s remember that God’s timing is perfect. Even in challenging situations, He has a plan that unfolds with divine precision.

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