Ready or Not

I. Be Dressed and Ready: Live with Expectancy

A. Stay Spiritually Alert (Luke 12:35-36)
B. How Should We be Dressed? (Galatians 3:26-27)
C. Keep The Light Shining Bright (Matthew 5:14)
D. Expect His Return at Any Time (Luke 12:36-40; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-2)

II. Be a Wise and Faithful Steward: Live Prepared

A. Recognize Your responsibility (Luke 12:41-42)
B. Faithfulness Often Brings Blessing (Luke 12:43-44))

III. Beware of Complacency and Disobedience: Live with Accountability (Luke 12:45-48)

A. The Danger of Thinking There is More Time
B. Greater Knowledge Brings Greater Responsibility (Luke 12:47-48)

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